24/7 Peace Vigils

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newBookmarkLockedFalling An Introduction to 24/7 Peace Vigils
Stefan Pasti 0 477 by Stefan Pasti
Jan 5, 2014 23:12:02 GMT


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24/7 Peace Vigils
One of the Constellations of Initiatives (9 initiatives) which make up the Tipping Point Action Campaign is 24/7 Peace Vigils. Here is the description in the 5 page introduction to the Tipping Point Campaign:

There is, at this time, a profound need for forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace. Inviting representatives from as many religious, spiritual, and moral traditions as possible to maintain a local community 24/7 Peace Vigil (2 page description written in 2013) is one way to respond to this need. A key feature of such Peace Vigils would be an emphasis on silent forms of spiritual (or other) practices. These kind of Peace Vigils can have many positive benefits, including: a) the discipline required for each tradition to maintain a presence would sharpen the spiritual (and other) practices of many participants b) many people may recognize these Peace Vigil sites as inspiring places to reinforce their own silent spiritual (or other) practices c) much good fellowship and friendship could be created by such a project—fellowship and friendship which could result in more community-wide cooperation on service-oriented projects, and improved relations between people with different belief systems.
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